Hyunjun Jang is a Korean graphic designer currently based in Basel who studied visual communication at FHNW HGK—The Basel School of Design and at Sadi in Seoul. He worked for corporate clients at the creative consultancy Frum in South Korea. Since 2016, He moved to Basel from Seoul for the post-study and broadened his focus on the experimental and contemporary visual language of culture and design.
Intern graphic designer at Vetements
Self-Employed Graphic Designer
Worked on various design projects for clients including Frum, House of electronic Arts Basel, BGV, Sundae School, and Service Plan Hamburg.
Freelance Visual Designer at Frum
Art Direction UI and UX design and for a new digital brand communication channel development and UX consulting project for mobile application for global manufacture.
Visual Designer at Frum
Multidisciplinary visual design and associate art direction for branding, UX consulting, infographic projects commissioned by major corporates including Samsung and Hyundai Motor Company of South Korea.
Art Direction Internship at Cheil Worldwide
Campaign idea, art direction support for TV commercials of Samsung Electronics and Shinhan Credit Card.
Academic Experience
Master of Arts in Visual Communication and Iconic Research
FHNW HGK Basel, The Basel School of Design
Course for Type Design and Lettering
Schule für Gestaltung Basel (SfG)
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication
FHNW HGK Basel, The Basel School of Design
Certificate in Communication Design
Sadi, Samsung Art and Design Institute
Press and Exhibition
SSC Open Studio “30 Posters”, Sundae School, New York, 2019
Typozimmer Magazine №8, Seoul, 2019
+41 Magazine, Wie wär’s mal mit, Basel, 2019
Ineditus Magazine no.1, Ineditus, 2018
Be there Design Festival, Dtby, HK, 2018
Zeitgiest Magazine, Web, 2018
Projects List at Frum
Hyundai Motor Company mobile UX guideline Development
UX design, Prototype design
Smart TV 3D Showroom Prototype Design
Visual concept, design direction, UI/UX design
Hyundai Motor Company mobile UX guideline Development
UX design, Prototype design
Samsung Securities UX consulting project
MTS(mobile application) and HTS part research, UX design, prototype design
Shilla Duty-Free Shop Korean and Chinese website design
Mobile and the web design
Hyundai Motor Company Digital Roadmap Establishment Project
Digital service journey map design, motion graphic design
Hyundai Motor Group Infographic Content Design
Infographic content design for corporate website and SNS channels
COCOMA branding
Entire branding from brand naming to visual identity design
Hyundai Motor Group “iCarecar” Campaign Visual Identity Design
Visual identity design, production management
KB Kookmin Card card products and brochure design
Gaon–nuri card, Jihye–dameun card, Dong–bu Hwaje card, and other products
KB Kookmin Card platinum card color system
KB Kookmin Card wall graphic design
Hana Financial Group core value identity design
Identity, application, motion graphics source design, design direction
Huvitz and Ozma Visual Identity Renewal
Visual identity renewal, Basic application design
Samsung Electronics PC UX development
Research, IA/UI development, prototype design
Hospital Service Design Guideline Infographic
Hospital customer service journey map design
SK Telecom brand promotion design
Visual identity design, web / mobile / kiosk design
KB Kookmin Card visual identity renewal
Visual identity design, marketing tool design
Hyundai Motor Company digital sales process innovation
Proposal, Contents planning, design directing
Hyundai Motor Company mobile UX guideline Development
UX design, Prototype design
Smart TV 3D Showroom Prototype Design
Visual concept, design direction, UI/UX design
Hyundai Motor Company mobile UX guideline Development
UX design, Prototype design
Samsung Securities UX consulting project
MTS(mobile application) and HTS part research, UX design, prototype design
Shilla Duty-Free Shop Korean and Chinese website design
Mobile and the web design
Hyundai Motor Company Digital Roadmap Establishment Project
Digital service journey map design, motion graphic design
Hyundai Motor Group Infographic Content Design
Infographic content design for corporate website and SNS channels
COCOMA branding
Entire branding from brand naming to visual identity design
Hyundai Motor Group “iCarecar” Campaign Visual Identity Design
Visual identity design, production management
Hyundai Motor Company mobile UX guideline Development
UX design, Prototype design
KB Kookmin Card card products and brochure design
Gaon–nuri card, Jihye–dameun card, Dong–bu Hwaje card, and other products
KB Kookmin Card platinum card color system design
KB Kookmin Card wall graphic design
Hana Financial Group core value identity design
Identity, application, motion graphics source design, design direction
Huvitz and Ozma Visual Identity Renewal
Visual identity renewal, Basic application design
Samsung electronics PC ui visual design strategy establishment
Research, visual strategy, design principle establishment
Hospital Service Design Guideline Infographic
Hospital customer service journey map design
Samsung Electronics PC UX development
Research, IA/UI development, prototype design
SK Telecom brand promotion design
Visual identity design, web / mobile / kiosk design
KB Kookmin Card visual identity renewal
Visual identity design, marketing tool design
Hyundai Motor Company digital sales process innovation
Proposal, Contents planning, design directing